Thursday, November 28, 2013

Agents of SHIELD

Some of you may know that last year I made a little movie, I made it in the hopes of getting a job with Joss Whedon on the new Marvel universe show we now know as Agents of SHIELD. This was before the show was announced by the way, all I knew at the time was they were making a show set in the Marvel Universe, from there I knew it either had to be Shield or Heroes for Hire, and they had already introduced Shield in the Avengers so I took my gamble there. I made my villain Ultron, who is one of the great Avengers villains and because robots are cool, and I turned out to be right there too because low and behold the next Avengers film is going to be Avengers: Age of Ultron.  I had a budget of about 400, I had friends who knew what they were doing, or at least were willing to help me. I made this.

Sadly I think there are large parts of it that are better than the ABC show that now exists. I mean I know it's rookie film but if you consider the budget and talent pool that the Disney corporation have to draw upon and compare it to 400 dollars and some people I know, I did more than alright here.

There have been plenty of people writing articles on how to fix this show, the characters are uninteresting, the plots are harmless, it doesn't seem to be adding anything to the universe. Some of these are problems that come with making a show like this, it's fair to ask people to watch some movies, but to keep up with an extra show as well may be too much. Still none of these are anything more than story problems, and those can always be fixed. Its not like the show is always bad, there have been some that I would even call good, the bionic eye was good, the trapped behind enemy lines one was good. Then there are others which are just bad, like tonight's which featured a "ghost" and a weepy girl and a ruminations on God which were harmless.
They told the story of Melinda May, but they didn't show us it, it felt lazy that they did that, "oh yeah the mystery of the angry girl, here's what that's about"

So this is all really disappointing, so what am I going to do about it?

First I am going to find a better title for my Film, Hydraed is terrible. I don't know what I was thinking. I think Agent of Shield may work better.

Then I guess it's my job to write a better script for them. Try my hand at it. There is no point in back seat driving by saying what should be fixed, may as well just build that better mousetrap myself and see what I catch with it. 

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