Thursday, July 18, 2013

Alright lets get this thing started. My name is Luke and this is a blog I'm doing about storytelling, meaning making, prop creation, comic books, joke telling, and tutorials on how to tie a tie in less than 2 seconds with one hand. So you know...magic.

Things you can expect from me in the coming weeks in what I am calling, Chapter One of my blog:

  1.  An essay on Parks and Rec, and how it's really a show about High School. 
  2. Movies! including one I made once trying to get a job with Joss Whedon. 
  3. Stand Up! including old and new shows I do. Can't make it to see me because you live in Texas? Watch here, it will be just like being in a small house in Texas watching a You Tube video. 
  4. How to make cool props and replicas out of stuff. 
  5. An essay on the nature of storytelling and how it forms the soul of spiritual experience. 
  6. Why Superman is my Homeboy. 
  7. Why the Flash is my Homeboy.
  8. Why Doll Man is my Homeboy. 
Also I'll  take requests if there is something you'd really like me to write on, I'll find a way to write something entertaining on it. For example...Soap dishes...... "The first thing I want to know when I see a soap dish is who is eating soap?  Then second thing is what do you clean that dish with when you are done eating? More soap? 
Yeah, just like that. 
Now I'm going to drink beer and watch Parks and Rec. Welcome to my blog, may it be a long and fruitful one.

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