Tuesday, July 30, 2013

And now for something completely different. a bike ride

We live in a story saturated world, or at the very least I do. I constantly surround myself with movies, books, tv shows, video games, I'm one of those people who loves to tell stories of what happened in their day, even if it's a minor occurrence. For example I went on a bike ride yesterday and had two fun things happen to me, First was while I was on the path I came upon a kid of about 6 or 7 and his dad who were out for a walk, for some odd reason seeing me coming at him the kid froze, put both his hands up in the air and stood in the middle of the path, slightly moving from side to side as if he was trying to block me from passing. I could tell this wasn't the case because of the look of pure panic in his eyes, he just couldn't tell which way to go and was constantly second guessing himself on which way to get to safety. Eventually his dad pulled him out of the way, but there was this moment where me and the kid where I was just staring into this kids panic stricken face, his eyes getting wide and red as if he was about to cry, his brain clearly working overtime as he tried to work out which way he was supposed to go, while he foolishly stood right in the middle of the path bouncing from side to side in the exact place where it was impossible he wouldn't get hit, all he had to do was move a foot to either side and he wouldn't have been in any danger at all. Silly boy.

The second little adventure was far more awesome. I was crossing a street with some other bikers, for some odd reason we all ended up crossing at nearly the same time in opposite directions, and in order to get back on the path I had to go around this guy in a tight curve where you have to lean into it a little bit and you end up tilting to your left which works fine as long as you don't hit gravel. I hit gravel, my bike started going out from under me, continuing it's slide horizontally without me,  and I had a moment where I thought "well, I'm going to crash", but I caught myself with my left leg, kicked up and somehow got the bike back under me and saved it. Then I yelled out a loud yell of excited inappropriate words because I am clearly a bad ass mother trucker. I caught the back of my right leg on the gears and I couldn't see if I was bleeding or not, (I wasn't even cut but it hurt like I may have been.) I just kept on going.

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